Look how far we've come!
Hello Dear Reader, how are you doing? As I write this I'm sitting in a hotel room in Stratford, ready for the next stage of my coaching course which is being held this week.
It's given me an opportunity to reflect on the changes that have happened since starting the course in April. Way back then, I was wondering if I'd made a huge mistake in signing up to the course in the first place, I was nervous that I wouldn't be good enough or that everyone else would be much better than me.
As I sit here now, I feel calm in the knowledge that I'm exactly where I should be, with people I've gotten to know in the last few months, doing what I enjoy and what I'm good at. I'm really looking forward to this week and getting to know my group even better so that we can help each other learn and develop. All of us come from different backgrounds, environments and even countries, but we're all here for the same reason. We all want to help people.
I can go to sleep tonight knowing that tomorrow is the start of something very exciting and rewarding. And with that Dear Reader, I'll end this post. Very short and sweet this week but it says everything it needs to. Looking back to that ball of worry and stress and uncertainty from March/April time earlier this year, it is infinitely more preferable to be in a state of calm brought on by the certainty that you are in the right place.
Until next time :)