New beginnings
The big day arrived, time to start new job. My laptop was ready to go, I logged on to see what the day held aaaand... nothing. I logged on, saw there was an induction with HR in the afternoon and otherwise there was no indication of what if anything I should be doing.
I did have a load of emails to go through, I'd been added to a load of distribution lists so it was interesting to see the weird and wonderful emails from working for a much larger company than I'd been at before and especially an American company.
Later that morning, I got a message from someone who then called me to say "Good Morning, I realised 5 minutes ago that you started today! Sorry, it's not ususally this disorganised."
For the rest of that day, and pretty much week, I've been looking for things to do. I've completed all of the compliance training, read all the documents about the project I'm on and have been scrabbling around looking for anything else to do. In short... I'm a bit bored! I know this won't last for long, soon I will be fully into the project. Right now though, it's quite difficult to get going when you don't know anyone and haven't been shown where to find things that aren't obvious.
So far though, I'm very happy that this hasn't lead to a slide in self esteem. I haven't panicked thinking "oh my god, I'm not doing enough, they are going to be really angry with me!" like I would have done previously. Instead, I have been aware that this is:
a) Temporary
b) Not a reflection of me or my ability
c) Not an indication that I'm lazy, I have been doing some things
d) A good reminder that it's good to not be busy sometimes!
This is a really nice place to be as it shows that the work I've been doing on mindset and self belief is working :)
All in all, it's been an odd week. It was always going to be a bit odd starting at a new company because there is no such thing as "normal". This is the end phase of this transition, soon there will be new challenges.
Anyway, this post has been very self indulgent! But hey, we all need to do that sometimes! I hope you have had a good week Dear Reader, until next time :)